Produced in 2014 for Shorts on Tap - a company that provides a great opportunity for people to discover the best material from the contemporary independent shortÂfilm scene, a place for exchanging ideas and networking or simply a treat for a great night out. Further details can be found at
Shorts on Tap - 30 Second Promo
Hazy Days
Rain In The South
Kite Day
Hazy Days is a personal project from 2013 edited to reflect the suggestion of a memory. Music was provided by Richard Dutnall, a long time collaborator and longer time friend. The film was also entered into the Virgin Media Short Film Competition
Produced in 2013 after a day filming at London's South Bank. Whilst watching some dance rehearsals I had the idea to create a look and feel of a dance off. Again I am indebted to Mr Richard Dutnall for providing the sound. An alternate version can be found here
Filmed at the 2012 Kite Day. The music on the day was initially Over the Rainbow however this was not my choice and I felt a more atmospheric piece suited the imagery better. once again it was over to Richard to provide the material
Secret Bliss - Yoga videos
Throughout 2014 I worked with Sonia Doubell on producing a range of Yoga Videos for her Secret Bliss You Tube Channel.
The video on this page is just one of the examples of the work that I produced for her
Further work can be found on both my You Tube and Vimeo Channels by hitting the buttons below
Mixing Audio Pros
In 2014 I produce two interview videos for Mixing Audio Pros. These were filmed in the South London Studios and used to highlight the engineers and the services that are on offer